Citizen Science


In VASCO, we believe that the quest of searching for life outside our Earth is sacred and belongs to everyone who wishes to participate. 

At the heart of VASCO is a citizen science project. A French version can be found here. 

The citizen science web interface has been developed by a team of IT researchers at Uppsala University, lead by Dr. Kristiaan Pelckmans. We collaborate with researchers, students and amateur astronomy associations, and all individuals who wish to participate in our searches for vanishing stars and other anomalies.

We collaborate particularly tigthtly with the  the Sirius Astronomy Association (Algeria)Center of Basic Space Science (Nigeria), and the high school IES Tartessos (Spain).

Caption: VASCO citizen science activities organized by Prof. Jamal Mimouni (University of Constantine/VASCO@Algeria) and the Sirius Astronomy Association

Caption: VASCO citizen science activities at the organized by Aurora Lago García at the high school IES Tartessos.

Caption: VASCO citizen science activities lead by the Center of Basic Space Science in Nigeriacarried out in online meetings during the pandemics.

VASCO citizen science activities lead by the Center of Basic Space Science in Nigeria.