Together with UAP Sweden, we are interested in hearing from you regarding possible UFO crashes in Europe in the European UFO Crash Retrieval Initiative. You can either email us or fill the form below.
Our mission is to map alleged UFO crash incidents in Europe, both historical and recent. Rather than relying on government disclosures, we hope to:
- Identify probable crash sites using techniques from criminal forensics, science, and psychology. We collaborate with experts outside the fields of science and see this effort as a community project that we do in our free time (rather than a scientific project).
- Visit these crash sites to gather materials.
- Share our findings with scientists for further examination.
- Share any remarkable discoveries with the public, always respecting your consent regarding your name.
- Create a community-driven project empowering ordinary citizens to uncover answers, rather than waiting for government disclosures.
If you’ve witnessed or possess information regarding a potential UFO crash in Europe, we kindly request you to complete our form. You may choose to remain anonymous or provide your name and contact information.